Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

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Tiina Vares"My [asexuality] is playing hell with my dating life": Romantic identified asexuals negotiate the dating game2018asexual; BDSM; gender; intimacy; monogamy; New Zealand; nonmonogamy; qualitative methods; romantic; split attraction
Zach Schudson, Sari van Anders'You have to coin new things': sexual and gender identity discourses in asexual, queer, and/or trans young people's networked counterpublics2019asexual; bisexual; categorization; community-building; definitions; gender; identity; nonbinary; online community; romantic; self-identification; trans
Melissa E. SanchezAntisocial Procreation in Measure for Measure2017asexual; asexual reading/theory; early modern; gender; literary analysis/theory; literature; new materialism; pregnancy; queer; queer theory; reproduction; reproductive futurity; Shakespeare
Tiina VaresAsexuals negotiate the 'onslaught of the heteronormative'2021amatonormativity; asexual; community; New Zealand; politics; qualitative methods; queer; queer theory; romantic; sexusociety; single; split attraction
John GuilloryThe Bachelor State: Philosophy and Sovereignty in Bacon’s New Atlantis2006bachelor; celibacy; community; early modern; friendship; gender; history; homosociality; marriage; masculinity; philosophy; politics; protestant; religion; university
KJ Cerankowski, Megan MilksNew Orientations: Asexuality and Its Implications for Theory and Practice2010asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; community; feminism; gay; gender; HSDD; identity; interdisciplinary; pathologization; politics; queer; queer theory; trans theory; virginity
LauraIn which I take a new look at an old favorite book2012asexual; Carnival of Aces; fiction; Tumblr
Lynn O\'ConnachtAromanticism, Asexuality, and the Illusion of New Narratives2020aromantic; asexual; asexual reading/theory; narrative
Marc FrancisThe Asexual-Single and the Collective: Remaking Queer Bonds in (A)sexual, Bill Cunningham New York, and Year of the Dog2016asexual; friendship; intimacy; LGBTQ; love; media; nonhuman; politics; queer; queer theory; representation; single
Kristina GuptaAsexuality and Disability: Mutual Negation in Adams v. Rice and New Directions for Coalition Building2014asexual; crip; definitions; desexualization; disability; disability theory/studies; discrimination; identity; intersectionality; law; pathologization; political theory; politics
small-ass-mustelidNew Term: Lovepunk2021aphobia; aromantic spectrum; asexual continuum; definitions; dehumanization; disability; gender; labels; love; neurodivergent; nonbinary; orientation; polyamory; queer; race; relationships; social construct; trans
small-ass-mustelidNew Term: Lovepunk2021aphobia; aromantic reading/theory; aromantic spectrum; asexual continuum; definitions; dehumanization; disability; gender; labels; love; neurodivergent; nonbinary; orientation; polyamory; queer; race; relationships; social construct; trans
Hannah TesslerThe Stability of Singlehood: Limitations of the Relationship Status Paradigm and a New Theoretical Framework for Reimagining Singlehood2023allonormativity; amatonormativity; aromantic; aromantic spectrum; asexual; celibacy; heteronormativity; relationships; single